A letter and an acknowledgement of failings
I cried again! I know, what am I like? The simple fact of the matter is, when you've struggled with something mentally for 3 years, in addition to other issues that have effected your mental health before that, adding to your mental health burden, to finally have a letter confirming and acknowledging you were right all along and failings in care did occur, it's an emotional moment! It's a great weight lifted. Our complaint to our hospital regarding the failures in care in Sebastian’s first 3 months has not only been received, but admission of said failings have been accepted! We are now in the process of arranging a meeting with some senior people there to discuss how to ensure such failings do not occur again and hopefully to convince them to accept a pulse oximetry machine that we’re willing to raise funds to purchase, and also to be willing to accept specific CHD training, again funded through the same charity, for their sonographers to help improve CHD diagnosis at ...